Gateway Wellness & Rehab

Massage Therapy

Massage has many important health benefits. In fact, massage can help you maintain physical, mental and emotional well being, especially when it is part of your regular wellness routine. Experts estimate that nearly 90% of disease is stress related.

Swedish Massage is a light massage that increases blood flow by providing long, kneading
strokes combined with rhythmic tapping strokes and movement of the joints. Swedish massage
targets the uppermost layer of muscles and relieves muscle tension. It promotes relaxation,
reduces stress, and muscle tension while increasing energy.

Deep Tissue Massage is a deep-pressure therapy applied deep into the muscle to relieve stiffness, tense muscles, and chronic pain. A deep tissue massage can also help with a previous injury by breaking down adhesions and scar tissue within the muscles.

Neuromuscular Therapy is a specialized form of manual massage therapy,which applies friction and digital pressure to release areas of strain in the muscle. The massage technique uses the
fingers, knuckles, or elbow to pinpoint pain and dysfunction, such as trigger points, muscle adhesions, and connective tissue patterns. Neuromuscular Therapy can help relieve in issues such as:

  •  Low back pain
  • Upper back pain
  • Carpal tunnel-like symptoms
  • Sciatica-like symptoms
  • Calf cramps
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Knee pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Temporal mandibular joint pain (TMJ disorders)
  • Hip pain
  • Headaches
  • Iliotibial band friction syndrome

Trigger Point helps with scar tissue, posture, range of motion, and alignment while relieving pain by releasing constricted areas within the muscles, thus alleviating pain by targeting the body& myofascial structures, including muscles, tendons, joints, and ligaments.

Pregnancy Massage is for pregnant women to reduce stress and swelling in the arms and legs, increase blood flow and improve the lymphatic system. It can also improve mood, lower anxiety, and improve sleep.

Cranial Release massage focuses on the Cranial and Suboccipital muscles in the head to help with headaches, neck pain and relaxation.

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, subtle manipulation of the muscles and tissues surrounding the skull, spinal column, and sacrum. CST is noninvasive by using gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to relieve the stress and pain caused by compression. It’s thought that through the gentle manipulation of the bones in the skull, spine, and pelvis, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system can be normalized, which removes “blockages” from the normal flow, which enhances the body’s ability to heal.

TMD, also known as Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is a disorder of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and the nerves associated with chronic facial pain. TMD — can cause pain in your jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Usually, the result of inflamed and painful chewing muscles around your jaw. Massage therapy can help alleviate myofascial pain by using techniques such as kneading, friction, and stretching.

Hot Stones are a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. They are smooth, flat, heated stones placed and massaged on specific body parts. The stone and heat helps with muscle tension, increases blood flow, reduces muscle spasms, and stress relief.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition of the hand and fingers caused by compression of
a major nerve that passes over the carpal bones through a passage at the front of the wrist, alongside the flexor tendons of the hand. It may be caused by repetitive movements over a long period or by fluid retention and characterized by sensations of tingling, numbness, or burning.
Carpal Tunnel Massage increases blood flow by providing compression, kneading strokes, and
movement of the joints.

Aroma Therapy is a complementary use of essential oils from flowers, herbs, or trees. When inhaled or applied to the skin, it has been shown to help people unwind and have a better sense of well-being.